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Two leadership changes in College of Pharmacy, Natural and Health Sciences

The College of Pharmacy, Natural and Health Sciences, is announcing two leadership changes.

Raylene Rospond and Mark Huntington announced Feb. 6, 2017, that effective immediately, Suzanne Beyeler, assistant professor of biology and environmental studies, is the new director of the Environmental Studies Program, succeeding longtime director Professor Jerry Sweeten.

Beyeler%2c-SuzanneSuzanne joined the MU faculty in August 2016 as co-director, coming from Cornell University. A Goshen College graduate, Suzanne also will chair the Environmental Studies Council.  One of Suzanne’s current research interests is the use of ecological indicators to improve understanding of how ecological threats degrade environmental integrity.

Sweeten%2c-JerryJerry directed the Environmental Studies Program for the past 12 years, growing the number of majors from eight to more than 40. Because of Jerry’s exceptional mentoring, many of the program’s graduates have pursued advanced study with distinction at major research universities. Jerry is in a two-year phased retirement and will continue some teaching and numerous grant responsibilities through 2017-18.

Osborne%2c-JeffreyEffective the 2017-18 academic year, Jeff Osborne, associate professor of chemistry, will chair the Biology-Chemistry Council, succeeding Professor Susan Klein. Also a Goshen College graduate, Jeff leads the annual Medical Practicum course and teaches in the chemistry and biology-chemistry majors.

Susan KleinSusan led the Biology-Chemistry Council for 16 years, overseeing the biology-chemistry curriculum and guiding many students to success in a range of health care professions. She will continue to serve as chair of the Chemistry Department and teach organic chemistry.

Rospond is the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Huntington is associate dean of natural and health sciences, professor of exercise science and athletic training, and director of graduate athletic training education. 

Manchester University, with campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., offers more than 60 areas of academic study to 1,600 students in undergraduate programs, a Master of Athletic Training, a Master of Pharmacogenomics and a four-year professional Doctor of Pharmacy.  Learn more about the private, northern Indiana school at tmrg.hitchedhike.com.

February 2017